此畫發現於敦煌藏經洞,現收藏在英國大英博物館。 This painting was originated from the Dunhuang Grottoes scriptures cave, now stored in the British Museum
本福描繪菩薩為亡靈引路升極樂世界情形。 左上角黃雲中隱出一些建築物,代表淨土世界。 菩薩後面跟隨女子為死者生前的模樣,梳著典型的唐代女人的髮式。
本圖菩薩右手持香爐,左手持蓮花,蓮花上懸掛著白色的幡。 香煙繚繞直達上方黃色彩雲,黃色雲中建築代表極樂世界。 菩薩周圍,處處飄著花朶。
This is a famous buddha painting in the dunhuang grottoes. Buddha leading a death sole. This is stored in the British Museum. This painting is about buddha leading a death sole, which is shown as a woman in Tang dynasty clothing. Buddha has an incense burner in his right hand and a lotus flower in his left hand. On the top of the lotus flower, there is a white prayer flag.
The smoke from the incense circulates until it reaches the yellow cloud on the top. There are some buildings on the cloud which stands for the heaven. The background of the buddha is filled with colorful flowers.
In this painting collection, there are four paintings which are in the same theme.
十世紀 五代佛畫 ~ 引路菩薩圖,大英博物館藏 10th century buddha painting. Stored in the British Museum
此畫與上圖為四件引路菩薩很相似。 菩薩右手持長竿扛在肩上'寶冠上有化佛,明顯是觀世音菩薩。
In this painting collection, there are four paintings which are in the same theme.
敦煌遺畫 ~ 引路菩薩圖,收藏法國吉美博物館