面相篇。頭相總論(2)Chinese face reading – reading head shape (2)
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Both eyes have to be upright, stay sharp on the top section which stands for the sky level. Mouth has to be in the middle of the third section which is described as the ground level. The forehead on the sky level is good to be full and roundish, which the ground level has to be in decent thickness.
Sometimes, when the size of the head is relatively small, then it has to be round. When the head is relatively long, then it has to be squarish.
Bones need to be in reasonable size and shape, skin needs to be moist and rich.
This would be a sign of inauspicious when forehead is not full and roundish, chin is not with a decent jawline, or short.
面相篇。頭相總論 Chinese face reading – Reading head shape
In classic chinese face reading, the way they describe and represent usually relates with natural phenomenon. This exactly reflects their way of life and the environment they lived in, such as the sun, the ground, wind, thunder, water and rivers etc.
Head, the highest point of the whole body, it’s the most superior part of the body. It belongs to yang 陽. The five elements in the nature affects the human body all the time and human happens to be the most clever species in the nature.
Head relates to sky, limbs relate to the ground, eyes relate to moon and sun, the voice relates to thunder (make noises), blood circulation relates to rivers, bones relate to hard metal, nose relates to mountains and eyebrows relate to plants.
It is a sign of auspicious when:
Sky has to be high, ground has to be thick, sun and moon have to be bright, thunder has to be loud, rivers has to be active, metal has to be hard and mountains has to be full of nicely grow plants and trees.
These are all their expressions and how they feel.
面相篇。三才三停論 Chinese face reading ~ Three sections on face
The first step of Chinese face reading is start from observation of the face three sections. In ancient times, people named it three levels; sky, human and earth.
Sky which is the top section which is the forehead. From the hairline to eyebrow. The forehead is ideal to be broad and round, this is a sign for auspicious.
Human which is the middle section, the nose. From the top of nose to tip of nose. The shape of the nose has to be good, straight with decent colour. This is a sign for longevity and wealthy.
Earth which is the lower section, our jawline. From our philtrum till our jawline is the earth level. The ideal shape of jawline is broad in squarish shape.
The proportion of the three sections is good to be equal, not a particular section to be too long or too short. This is a sign for non auspicious too.
面相篇。出納宮 Face reading ~ mouth shape
Mouth in Chinese face reading, is the organ for output. Ideal shape is in decent red colour, thickness and right in the lower middle of the face.
Not ideal status:
- dark colour, relatively thin lips, showing teeth and teeth not in decent shape and straightness.
- Shortened mouth, just like a draw string bag. This could be a sign for lonely elderly stage of life.
– big month need to be in the right middle of the lower sector of the face. If the month is not in the normal place, then this is not a good mouth shape.
論相貌宮 Face reading based on five elements
Chinese face reading is also based on the critical thinking of the five elements. They have their unique reading according to each element.
Metal element ~ relatively round face with radiant skin.
Wood element ~ tall and lean body shape.
Water element ~ shape eyes with slightly darker skin.
Fire element ~ pinkish skin colour.
福德宮。相貌 Fortune and Overall look
面相篇 : 神相水鏡集
Fortune area on the face is the middle of the forehead. It would be ideal if it is wide and flat, without any moles, wrinkles etc. Forehead represents our early life, if it is relatively narrow, then it could be a slightly tougher period of life. While our jaw line represents the later stage of life, when it is strong and wide, which means we can look forward for a relaxing and stable elderly life.
After we talked about the different areas on our face for different aspects reading, we have to conclude the whole face in general. First of all, we do not want sunken face features, and then we read the three different sections of our face.
Forehead represents early life, nose represents our middle age and mouth and jaw areas represents our elderly stage.
遷移宮。官祿官 Travel and Career areas
Travel area is the corner of the forehead. This area’s shape, colour and status represents if we are traveling all the time, moving houses or changing jobs etc. If the colour is bright, not dull, not sunken etc, these could be a signal for inauspicious when moving.
Career are is the middle of the forehead. In terms of five elements, our head corresponds to fire element, so if the career area is full, bright, no moles or wrinkles, this is a signal for luck in career path.
妻妾宮。疾厄宮 Marriage and Illness areas on face reading
Area between the eyes and ears is the marriage area. Colour, status and smoothness of this area reflects our marriage life.
Ideal is flat, bright without any wrinkles or moles.
With a good marriage area on the face, then this is a positive sign for good marriage with a good spouse.
Middle part of the nose bridge is the area for our health status. It is not preferred with a flat nose bridge with lines or moles or wounds, this could be a sign for health problems.
With a bright, relatively high and in good shape nose, on the other hand, is a positive sign for good health throughout lifetime.
面相:男女宮,奴僕宮 Chinese face reading, twelve different sections on our face.
This is the under eyebag area, the shape of the area can be an indication that if a person can easily have daughters or sons in the future.
A good shape of this area is:
– slightly swollen, not flat or concave shape.
– no lines moles or wounds on it.
The two side of the mouth, on the third sector of the face reading.
This area indicates if you can easily get someone who is helpful to you if you are employing someone or employees.
We do not want to see lines, moles, dark colour on this area.
面相:忠厚之相 Face reading ~ Loyalty
Loyalty face features:
– ears level with eyebrows
– eyebrows smooth and long
– sharp eye sight
– high forehead
– relatively long philtrum
一個關於面相的故事 ~ 一生榮枯要看三停 A story about Chinese face reading ~ three sections on face
The space between eyebrows stands for our siblings, it also connects with the shape of our eyebrows. Eyebrows are best to be long and smooth like a new moon. Then it represents we have a good relationship with our siblings.
The space above our eyelids stands for if we have a lot of houses or properties in our life. Same as above, it relates to the shape of our eyes too. We do not like to see redness and the space is too narrow. If it is in reasonable length, then it stands for we can have properties easily.
面相:命宮,財帛 Chinese face reading, twelve different sections on our face.
The middle space between our two eyebrows representing ourselves. This is the part at the top of our nose. This space has to be clean and flat. This is the best to come with a good shape of nose and clear eyes.
Our nose represents our wealth, this has to be straight, without scare and not other wounds. Cannot be too narrow. If the nose is too small, then this stands for the wealth we get in our life will not be a lot.
面相:五星 Chinese Face Reading: 5 Stars Concept
In Chinese culture, they inherited the concept of 5 elements in almost everything. In face reading, they also use the concept of five elements in face reading.
Metal and wood elements stands for the left (metal) and right (wood) ears. The shape of the ears has to be clear and colour has to be pale. The external canal and the trigus need to be in reasonable size (not too small and too big). The helix and scapha the best in a C shape.
Water element stands for our mouth, the lips colour has to be pinkish and in reasonable size. The philtrum needs to be in reasonable depth, tidy teeth which stands for decent manner person.
Fire element stands for our hairline and forehead. It has to be high and broad, which stands for smart and clever with high standard parents.
Earth element stands for our nose. Nose has to be straight. Nose tip has to be round, not showing both nostrils. Nose bridge is best to be broad and flat.
長壽之相 Longevity face reading
至頂至踵 (意:從也追)。毫無俗骨。鼻樑正直。兩目光明。至其鬚眉之。朗朗清潤。尤足徵壽者之相。此老風流俊逸,無殊裘馬少年,故三湘七澤間,語及周媽軼事者。無不資為美談云。
From top of the head to bottom of jawbone, no sticking out bone features.
Straight nose, sharp eyes, clear face features.
王壬秋 (晚清經學家,卒於83歲)
Round head shape, stable eyes focus.
金形手相理 Metal element palm shape
In western palmistry, it classified the metal element palm as a capable hand who can work smart and with high standard.
Main features of metal element palm:
– squarish palm shape
– square finger and nail shape
– palm with high flexibility (backward banding)
– thick palm muscle
A person with this hand is likely:
– practical
– down to earth
– strong mindset
– could be relatively stubborn sometimes
– systemic way of thinking
火形掌 Fire element palm shape reading
Fire element palm shape indicates the person has a spiritual type of personality. He/She is smart, friendly, sensitive and kind. When he is very passionate toward his interest in an object or a person.
He also has an artistic interest also.
Feature of a fire element palm
– long and finely shape fingers
– palm skin colour and not obvious finger joints
– pinkish colour nail
木形掌 Wood element shape palm reading
A person with a wood element shape hand intend to be a thinker. Since wood represents academic, education etc, therefore, people with this hand is usually have high ability in studying and educations or researches etc.
Main features:
Visible finger joints
Strong thumb
Clear palm lines
These people are good in careers such as educations, teachings and office jobs.
大富之相 Wealthy Persons face reading
Face features of a wealthy person
– broad and round forehead
– round nose tip
– smooth facial skin texture
– good ear shape and stick with the skull
– long and smooth eyebrow
– thick and loud voice
土形掌 Hand Shape ~ Earth element
Hand Shape ~ Earth element
We often see people with this shape of hand are business builder. They like to do their own business instead of working for others. They have the passion in this field.
They do not like to rely on people, they always prefer to work by themselves. The earth element hands is a hard working person, they will not blame for too much work, all their focus are achievements. Therefore, they can work in a lot of different industries, this is due to their flexibilities.
Earth element hand characteristics ~
Overall the hands seem squarish round and wide with a reasonable thickness. Nails are in similar shape. Skin texture is slightly rough (hard working style). Lines cannot be shallow.
Earth element hands comes with small and weak thumb and visible fingers bones or else this is classified an unofficial earth element hand.
Earth element hands comes with small and weak thumb and visible fingers bones or else this is classified an unofficial earth element hand.
How to read skin’s texture in palmistry? 皮膚粗幼,手相關聯
From the point of view in palmistry, skin texture is divided into two main categories, one is smooth and one is rough.
Smooth texture obviously gives people a good impression. It relates the owner is decent, educated, soft, even this person has a hard personalities, but with a smooth skin texture, the basic of the character is still soft.
On the other hand, if a person’s hand is with rough skin texture, it then relates that he/she is rather stubborn, rough, not easy going and easy to loose his/her temper.
Therefore, this is an easy way to observe a person if you first meet him/her and will quickly come to the first conclusion.
Features of five elements reflect on a person 相學五行
As per discussed on earlier articles, five elements features are being reflected on various aspects from Bazi to Feng Shui etc. In this article, I am going to focus on how it can be seen on bazi pillars and related to the appearance and characters of a person.
金 Metal element:
Skin is relatively pale in skin colour. Clear and loud voice with a straight characters. 金型人,皮膚會偏白,聲線清和響。
木 Wood element:
Relatively tall in body height, with long neck and limbs. With a kind and warm heart. 木型人,高和四肢及頸項偏長。為人也較為溫馴和善良。
火 Fire element:
Face is always pinkish, with a rather impatient and irritable character. The person is in a polite behavior. 火型人面色常帶赤色和較為急燥,為人有禮。
水 Water element:
Face features are very clear and outstanding, sometimes it seems quite hairy on body parts. The person is rather sensitive and fluctuate.
土 Earth element:
Body shape is rather round in appearance and not tall in height. The person is usually with a low voice. This person honor to his commitment all the time.
The above descriptions are based on the particular strong element flow among a person’s pillars chart, so that the specific characters or features are being obvious. 以上均是五行某種氣重的表現反影在命主上。
水形 Water elements shape palm in palmistry ✋
Water hand shape
Water hand shape is the roundish hand, it also called the artistic hand. The owner usually has good sense of art and creativity.
Fingers are relatively round and pointed in shapes and strong, palm lines are clear and delicate.
A person has the water hand shape is usually optimistic and outgoing. They are friendly and get along with the new circle of friends. They are good at expressing themselves and being smart.
The unique feature of the water element hand is relatively soft and thick palm with a strong thumb. This is classified as good water hand shape.
Since these people are usually the talented group, therefore, it’s easier for them to have a certain level of achievements in the commercial world, especially on the political or artistic industry.
If in a case that the thumb is rather small and soft, then this reflects the hand owner is not good at making decisions, they have less focus on their targets but instead prefer living out a relax and chilling life.
手相篇~六秀紋 Chinese palmistry ~ success line
Success line is not one of the three main line but it is a small vertical line below the ring finger. In Chinese palmistry, we called it the success line or the sun line since it lies on the mount of Apollo.
This is particular a good sign for a thick palm. On the other hand, for a thin and slim palm, the auspicious energy is less.
It also covers a person’s popularity, intelligence, health and wealth blessings.
手相篇 ~ 貴人紋 Chinese palmistry ~ line of luck
貴人紋「火星線」The line next to the life line / line on lower mars
地紋 (甲)旁出現之短紋(乙)我國手相術謂之貴人紋。祖蔭紋。陰騭紋。西洋手相術謂之內生命線。火星線。保險線。
In the picture, it shows the life line which is the main line and there is a small line next to it, we called it the line of luck. Anyone with this time, it stands for there is always someone there to help you when you are in need.
面色 Chinese face reading ~ colour tones on the face
紫色…主喜悅 。進財。榮陞。吉利。
When we read face, we do not only look at particular parts of the face, we have to read the colour tones on the face and this passes messages of the likely encounters regarding the owner. We have to remember when we talk about colour, it is not the solid colours that we see on paints, it is referring to the tones of colours that is showing on the face.
Greenish blue (青色) – worried, scared and exhausted.
Yellowish (黃色) – delighted, fortunate, lucky and promotions
Pale (白色) – frightened, nervous, funeral affairs
Dark (黑色)- sickness, misfortune, lose of fortunes
Redness (紅色)- cheerful, festive, gain of fortunes
Dark red (赤色) – disaster, accidents and legal disputes
Purple (紫色)- delighted, gaining of fortunes, career promotions and feeling lucky.
Regarding those unfavourable colours, they are likely to show at the forehead, under eyes, ears, cheeks and palms.
Parallel of the three main palm lines
When we read palms, we will come across all sorts of different status even only about the three main lines. First of all, the three main lines are the (from top to bottom) heart, head and life lines.
When we observe palm lines, these three main lines some are joint at the top and some are well apart as three parallel lines. Let’s talk about the three parallel lines in this article.
If a person has this status in palm lines. This reflects that the person has an independent mind. They are likely an independent person. They are not tolerance. We still have to consider how far apart are the three lines, this also deliver messages on how intelligent and how that person is likely to be affected by the environment he is living in.
If the three lines are apart in decent spaces, then he is rather a more self-willed person. On the other hand, if the three lines are only apart in very minor spaces, then he is a more considerate person when in comparison, which means how well apart are the head and life lines.
富人相理 How to identify the face of a rich and well off people in Chinese face reading?
In Chinese face reading, to identify the face of a rich and well off people, there are certain requirements to fit in.
1. The definition is broad, but the first requirement is big and thick. What do we means by that? It refers to the main facial parts have to be big and thick.
2. Nose and cheek bones are the main parts to read. Nose cannot be small and the nasal bridge has to be broad and clean. Nose tip needs to be round and big. Size of the nose as to match with the cheek bones in proportions.
3. Three section of the face has to be even (mentioned in earlier face reading articles).
4. Ears have to be big, grow near the skull.
5. Lips are in good shapes and teeth has to be white and tidy.
震宮(第一火星丘)Chinese palm reading ~ Mount of Mars
「夫妻宮」 。
In the language of Chinese palmistry, we use both western concept and bagua (trigram) concept. As shown in the picture below, is what we called the mount of mars, or Zhen sector 震宮.
When referring to body parts, it correspondence to our hair, neck and feet. When we read this part of the palm, it is referable to be slightly swollen and round. This means the owner is at good health, being active in personal life. He/she is also a smart person and having a good self-control power, will not easy get across the line.
As a woman, she can help the husband to handle a lot of things, and she can easily get a decent husband. Moreover, on this mount, we do not like to see various lines especially those not in orders.
On the other hand, if the mount of mars is slightly lowered, then this person is not a decisive and smart person, not active in doing things. He/she is also not easy to enjoy a pleasant marriage and wealth.
Moreover, if this mount is relatively hard, this reflects the person can be quite stubborn and careless in life.
鼻下痣(疾病)Moles under nostrils (health issue)
When we notice moles under two nostrils, it could be a signal for health issue. Since this area is reflecting any possible illness in the body, this is often related to stomach, lower abdomen area, headache, or painful limbs etc.
These conditions are often not easy to be noticed from the outside, but they are usually there for a while already. We can treated this as an early signal and seek for related help ahead.
鼻子 Face reading ~ nose
Our nose locates in the middle of our face, when we see in the scale of the whole body, it is the same as our heart, it is the middle and the most critical part for us. For further interpretation, the shape of the nose can reflect a certain part of our inner self.
First of all, the straightness of the nose. If it is not straight enough, the person’s thinking can be different from others. They can easily come up with special ideas, unusual way of thinking etc.
If the ridge of the nose is not in a smooth straight line, then the life is likely not going to be a smooth one too. The nose ridge is ideally relatively round but not with sharp edge, this is a signal of wealthy life.
Bigger nose means with a stronger personality, on the other side, smaller nose, a person can easily go with the flow.
Nose shape also reflect health status, therefore, if the colour or the nose with a scar or mole, anything that is not suppose to be there, are not a good sign for anything.
Moreover, a good size and shape of nose, has to go with a matching cheek bone.
姆指相法 Reading the thumb in palmistry (2)
The size of the thumb is decent with a reasonable thickness palm, while the top knuckle can slightly band backward, this stands for the person is a decent, warm hearted and hardworking. On the other hand, if the top knuckle is slightly banding forward, this could be a signal for a relatively self centered person.
🔅大拇指第一節強偉圓秀。主人意志堅強。有百折不撓的奮鬥精神。但第一節過長者。則意志雖堅強。理性卻不足。大拇指第一節短小。主意志不堅。易為困難挫折而屈服。第一節能彎曲自如。則主能剛能柔思想新穎。但喜離鄕發展 。
A strong minded person is usually comes with a strong and rounded shape first knuckle. This person will not give up easily when he/she comes across problems, they have a strong willing power. On the other side, if the first knuckle is too long, this stands for a strong mind but not logical enough. If it’s too short, then they always have fluctuating mind, and tends to give up easily when they are being stuck.
姆指相法 Reading the thumb in palmistry (1)
When we read the shape and features of a thumb, we start with the thumb knuckles. The top knuckle means willpower, the middle knuckle means analytical ability and the bottom knuckle means desire of the person.
To a certain extend, the shape of our thumb comes from the dna but at the same time, it also reflects the general status of the person. If the thumb is pretty and strong, and it goes well with the palm shape, this stands for the person grows up in a good family background with good health and with success career stage. It also tells us that person is smart, decisive and independent.
On the other hand, if the thumbs look soft, which tells us that person do not have a strong and decisive mind. He/she can be a relatively pessimistic person, not good at managing money.
The top knuckle of the thumb should at least reach the middle of the bottom knuckle of the pointer finger, which is decent. If it reaches the middle of the second knuckle of the pointer finger, this is too long. If it is under the bottom knuckle of the pointer finger, it is too short.
觀察面相 Face reading observations ~ where to start?
In face reading, we start from dividing the whole face into three equal parts, from top to the bottom, as shown in the picture below.
The top section: hair line to top of eyebrow, this stands for how clever we are, this covers the whole brain, and this is about the potential.
The middle section: from the eyebrows to the nose tip, this part is about the actual ability of a person.
The lower section: from the nose tip to the lower jaw bone, this part is about the health status and desire.
According to ancient face reading books, if the three sections are similar, this is classified as a credit. It stands for the development in ability and health status are equally good.
From the point of view of life stages, the top refers to young age, middle part is about middle age and the lower part is about elderly stage.
眉 Face reading ~ Eyebrow (2)
眉又為「保壽官」。因眉稜骨與骨髓相聯。眉毛濃秀眉骨而起。象徵健康長壽。故「問壽在眉」。 眉。一般人只知其對兄弟姐妹交友有影響。事實眉對一個人命運之影響旣多且大。所謂「吐氣揚眉」。關鍵在於「眉」 。
Fate, someone is from good to bad, someone is from bad days to good days, we can all find some trace from observing the eyebrows and eyes.
As mentioned before, it is from the age of 31-34, this is the prime time for all adult, therefore, these are the few critical ages for the whole life.
Some eyebrow is long and curvy than other, this could be a signal for successful career, nice and good family life.
Eyebrow can be seen as a health signal, if the brow is smooth, not messy and with shiny colour, this is standing for a healthy status for the person.
For the elderly age, we still have to observe the eyebrow too and since this is the later part of life, we have to take into account the lower section of the face as this reflects the health at this time of life.
眉 Face reading ~ Eyebrow (1)
如眉毛長者起伏如乘風飄秀。眉毛短者毫光如遠山鬱秀。眉毛濃者細發如貂毫閃光。眉毛淡者色華如羊毛潤澤。均是「有彩」之眉 。
In terms of face reading, eyebrow represents the health statue for the person. When the person is at good health, the shape, color and actual hair on the eyebrow, whether it is messy or not. These all reflect the current status of that person.
Apart from observing the eyebrow, the brow bone is another part that is critical. Whether the bone shape is rather obvious by sticking out or just rather flat on the face. This is part that, as a face reader, we have to taken into account before come to any conclusion.
When an eyebrow looks energetic, with shiny eyebrow colour (natural colour) and smooth, this is an ideal eyebrow shape.
Eyebrow indicates from age 31 to 34, this is the prime time for any human adult on career stage, as a result, a good eyebrow status can reflect if that person is going to enjoy a successful and smooth period at that particular stage of life.
不理想額型 Non ideal shape of forehead
We are talking about not ideal shape of forehead, first of all, we have to identify what is the perfect shape of forehead.
A good shape of forehead is flat, wide, just like the shape of a wall tile with no scar or mole etc. As a result, there are three common shape of forehead which is non preferable in the language of face reading.
要說不理想額型,首先要清楚理想額型。 要闊廣,如豬肝,微微隆起,不能有破,有損,有痣及凹陷。
斜額 Incline forehead –
知識力發展緩慢。後天得到良教育。也要自己努力打拼方可立足於社會。不然容易受到 社會淘汰。縱使出生家庭環境優越。仍會陷於困難之中。而且此種額形缺乏道德同正義感。始種額形常見於舊社會。
The front of the forehead is the part of the brain for logical thinking, if it is in incline shape, which means the person’s logical thinking ability could possibly be not as high as others or delayed development.
窄額 Narrow forehead –
Narrow forehead could be a sign of not a smart and brainy person. During the stage of education (early stage of life), this person may not have high achievement at school, but through hard working, this situation can be improved.
眉稜骨高凸之額相 Standout brow bone-
If a person with standing out brow bone, this could be a sign of relatively stubborn and self-centered person. They like to show their emotion on their face. They are highly confident and observing person.
掌中卦 Bagua in Palmistry
Since the ancient times, experts started to use the concept of bagua or people call it hexagrams in palmistry. They inherit this concept to identify people’s characters and health status, then eventually evaluation auspiciousness in the future. This is also one of the main skills of future predictions from the ancient chinese society.
The centre of the palm, in bagua, they call it the flat area. It identifies the location of the eight different directions order. Since it is always the lowland to the other parts of the palm, it’s better shapes as a little bowl since palmistry experts believed it acts like a little dish when all the money that comes in can be saved there. Therefore, they do not prefer it is flat.
When it comes to the proportion of palm and fingers. When fingers are much longer than palm, then it is predict the owner is a skillful person, while the other way round, then the owner is a enjoying a chill out life.
困頓愁城面容 How to tell when a person is his bad luck days?
First of all, when a person is not in his unfortunate days, their faces are just like covered with a thin layer of dust, sort of greyish colour. All the previous brightness on the face is just disappeared in no time.
They look very dull and tired, lips and hair are dried and colour not as good as usual.
These symptoms usually appear in middle age or even in elderly stage.
Chinese Face Reading ~ Eyebrow 一道眉
How do we classify a good eyebrow shape in Chinese face reading?
Shape :
Long eyebrow length (not too long, slightly exceed the end of the eyes) means weathly.
Slightly high angled eyebrow means the person can have good achievements and being aggressive in life.
The gap area between two eyebrows cannot be too narrow, this reflects the person maybe a rather negative person and depressed. If the gap between two brows is decent, then this is a positive asset in facial reading.
The end part of the eyebrow must not be loose and untidy, since this can be a reflection of a person without perseverance.
When an eyebrow is thick and causing the upper eyelid area is quiet narrow, this can be a reflection on fate is may not be as smooth as expected.
When an eyebrow looks dry and slightly yellowish in colour, this can be a signal of inauspicious in wealth and fortune.
人中 Philtrum
Let’s talk about the part of our face between our nostril and lips ~ Philtrum
In Chinese facial reading, this part of the face reflects the picture of future siblings in our life. This is to tell from the shape, lengthen and depth of it.
Shape of the philtrum has to be straight and like a trapezium. We do not like to see any mole, scar on it. This means it is very likely that the owner has siblings in the future and lives a long healthy life. On the other side, a short and shallow philtrum with mole on it, the owner is not likely to have sons (according to chinese traditions, son is very important for a family)
Apart from siblings, it also reflects the health of the person at an old age. Philtrum belongs to the lower sector of our face. As we have talked before, the lower sector of our face reflects the picture of our old age including family and health. If there is a scar or mole and or a shallow philtrum, then the person may experience a health situation at the later stage of life.
唇 Face Reading ~ Lips
In Chinese face reading (we focus on asian lips shapes and color), lips are an important part in the third session of the whole face. This is the organ where we speak, therefore it could ever be the origin of auspicious and un-auspicious, it depends on how we behave. There are some basic guidelines on telling whether the shape of the lips are good. It can be divided into 1) color, and 2) shape.
We like pinkish and shiny color, instead of purple, pale or even dark color.
Generally, lips with decent shape and color means the person is enjoying a smooth and life with good energy. On the other hand, lips with non-preferable color means the person is likely to be suffered with some sorts of health issues or unfortunates.
Lips with decent and full shape is the best one. It has to be in the middle of the third session of the face. This may sound abnormal, but if we pay more attention, it is not difficult to find people with uneven lips and it is not aligns with the middle line of the face.
Lined lips are with a tug in shape, this means the elderly stage of a person may not be as well off and smooth as earlier stage, with thin lips, this is more serious.
Upper lips represents father while the lower lip represents mother. If there is a wound on lips, this could be reflect on either parents.
Thin upper lips means a person is very good at talking or expressing own self. Thin lower lips means a person can be over talking all the time, sometimes may not be that trustable.
Both lips are in even and decent thickness, then this would be a kind-hearted and reliable person.
相眼捷訣 Critical Steps in Eyes Reading
面相 ~ 眼篇
Chinese face reading ~ Eyes
Eyes reading in Chinese facial reading is a very critical part. Eyes are the window of our soul to the outside world, it also reflects our inner emotion.
Left eye is classified as ‘yin’ and right is ‘yang’. Just like the sun and moon in the sky, eyes must be sharp and bright. Sclera (eye white) has to be pure white and iris (black part) has to be real black, which means this person with consideration and kindness.
If we constantly see bloodshot on a person‘s eyes, it means this could be an impatient person. If a person with a rather long but nice looking eyes shapes, this can be a symbol for a long and healthy life for this person.
If a person is with a big, round and slightly bulging eyes, this possibly means this is a rather impulsive person. When we look into a person‘s eyes, if we see a slightly bigger and bright iris, this could be a very intelligent and creative person.
In eyes shapes reading, it is always preferable for big eyes rather than small eyes.
Sharp eyesight is also critical.
If a person’s eyes are always moist, this person’s mind is always on sexuality.
If a person’s eye is not sharp enough, then he is a non-decisive person.
If a person is with slightly bulging eyes, this may be a fierce person.
面相三停 Chinese Face Reading ~ First Step
This is the very first step in chinese face reading. Divide the face into three equal parts from top to bottom.
As seen in this picture
1st part Hairline to the top of eyebrow, including the whole forehead
Interpretation This is about earlier stage of life, from age 15 to 34. This is when we study and starting our career. Moreover, since this at young age, it also reflects how our parents are treating and if the early career stage is going to be smooth and success. The shape of forehead is preferable to be full and smooth.
2nd part Eyebrows to the bottom of our nose
In this middle part of our face, it covers from age 35-50. At this stage, it is mainly about career and family life. For most of the people, it is about career time and starting his/her own family. Since it includes the nose in this part, so the shape of the nose is very critical. The best shape of nose is not too small and not too big, all round shape and straight.
3rd part Bottom of nose to the bottom of our face
This is the bottom part, so it is referring to the later stage of life, which covers from age 51-75. During this stage of life, health status is the most important part. As well, also the family life at this elderly age.