易篇。地水師 # 7 trigram Leading
Trigram #7 Leading is the trigram after #6 Arguing. People are arguing due to resources in the last trigram, in order to stop further disputes, come sort of control and forces have to introduced to the group. Trigram #7 is this situation.
One leader has to lead the group of people and control them in absolute order. This leader has to be well experienced, very mature and responsible.
Trigram #7 Leading and #8 Grouping is a pair of opposite trigram. Leading is Kan 坎 (water) as inner and Kun 坤 (earth) outside and Grouping is with inner Kun 坤 (earth) and Kan 坎 (water) outside.
Leading is due to disputes and disagreements between two countries or two groups of people, so war or fight is going to happen at anytime, as a result, a captain leads his troops to fight or stop the fight is needed at this moment.
#7 Leading with Kan (water) as the inner can be read as moat that protecting a castle, further interpretation can be soldiers leaving the castle through the moat to go to war.
In case of fortune telling, if you get #7 Leading, it means the matter can be complicated and there are difficulties need to be solved, this maybe due to disputes between people.
To ask for help, a mature and experienced human is a clever choice, young and non-experienced can cause harm and failure.
易篇。天水訟 # 6 trigram Arguing
Trigram #6 Arguing, Arguing with trigram #5 makes a pair, they are just two opposite. The story from Qian (#1 Force) the start of the world, until now, people in the world are fighting for resources, that’s why this trigram is called Arguing.
#5 Attending is wait, people are enjoying and entertaining with food and now #6 people are competing for resources. This stands for litigation too. It carries messages for auspicious and non-auspicious at the same time, it only matters which is first and which is last.
The structure of Arguing is Qian 乾卦 as the outer and Kan 坎卦 as the inner, which means danger inside but has strength as the outside. It means a person with a risky idea in the mind and being very aggressive to achieve it, therefore he/she creates danger for himself and likely to cause argument with others.
When a person is being stuck within an argument or litigation, he can choose whether he insists the argument to continue or to stop at a point. If the argument is to carry on until the last moment or cannot go any further, this is obviously leading negative consequences to all involved parties. On the other hand, if a person decided to hold back and stop the litigation and discuss on a balanced point, then this an ultimate auspicious result.
This is the central message of this trigram, a mixture of auspicious and non-auspicious, this has to depends on whether the parties focus on benefits or a personal achievement.
易篇。十月其卦坤 Monthly trigram # 2 Field
Trigram #2 Field, its inner trigram in field and outer is field too which makes an identical trigram with pure field (earth element) energy, with six yin lines.
When it gets to this time of the year, we officially entered the last season of the year winter. As explained in other articles, water element dominates winter which means cold and growing energy is being put into still status, yin energy is strong now. As a result, the trigram with six broken lines, yin lines, is the monthly trigram for Hai month 亥月.
易篇。水天需 # 5 trigram Attending
In the language of 64 trigrams, it must be interpret according to its Chinese name and the reason behind how it comes up like this.
Trigram #5 Attending is with inner trigram as Qian 乾 (dragon) and outer as Kan 坎 (water, danger). The first meaning is the dragon is trapped in water with suspected danger, not a good time to process, need to wait, clear with the situation and wait for the best chance to carry on. This is also the monthly trigram of the second month.
The critical elements of this trigram is danger, wait and trust.
需 in Chinese means needs, necessities just like food which human rely on to live their lives.
#5 Attending comes after #4 Enveloping and Enveloping is after #3 Sprouting, it states that after the start of heaven and earth, civilization then starts. People starts with no knowledge and #5 attending means the development of civilization is stuck, due to unsolved problems and this includes the supply of basic necessities such as food and drinks etc.
#4 Enveloping is uncivilized and people need to grow at this stage and need food to support lives. As a result, #5 Attending means supplying sufficient recourses to let lives grow.
Trigram is strength as the inner and danger as the outer, it states human needs be strong enough to progress, need to think carefully how to proceed, wait for the best timing to take a further step forward.
易篇。山水蒙 # 4 Enveloping
The trigram after #3 Sprouting is #4 Enveloping. The cycle from heaven and earth, lives are born and now the process from unknown to discovering. Enveloping carries the meaning of youthful folly, the young shoot and discovering. Its inner trigram is Kan (water = danger) 坎 and outer trigram is Gen (mountain = stop) 艮.
The central thinking of this trigram is youthful folly, searching for knowledge and look for an intelligent adult to consult. From trigram Sprouting to Enveloping, it means after the start of heaven and earth, human is still young and naive. This is the very first stage of a human from youth.
Enveloping with water as the inner and mountain as the outer, which means danger is there and need to stop and find a solution first. At this point, the ability to deal with the problem is important, find an appropriate person to help you is the best solution.
In terms of fortune telling, if you get trigram #4 Enveloping, it means you have a limited ability, in case of situations occur, it is better to find an adequate person to assist or advice you, in order to get through the scenario. When you ask for help, you have to stay humble and know the real situation and explain it clearly. Keep on asking the same problem again and again will not help to get an effective solution.
易篇。水雷屯 # 3 Sprouting
The Chinese name of trigram #3 屯卦 carries the meaning of being stuck, difficult, accumulate energy. When a new life is born, it has to face all various types of difficulties when growing up.
Trigram #3 Sprouting has the meaning of stuck due to face difficulties, put a temporary stop on progress. This stop is made by not possible to carry on, to continue, there is a problem to be solved. At the same time, this stationary status is gather energy for future progress.
Also, it means village which provides a place for people to gather and staying together. #3 Sprouting is the trigram after #1 Force and #2 Field, which stands for after we have sky and field, we have lives and here the story begins. This is the very first stage when living energy start their growing process.
#3 Sprouting is with trigram Zhen 震卦 (thunder) as the inner and Kan 坎卦 (water) as the outer. It stands for thunder is rapid movement, and water is danger, risk and challenges. Changes take place from the interior and gradually develop into obvious pace.
In case of fortune telling and getting this trigram, it means there is difficulties at this time, this maybe only a challenge, so it doesn’t mean the matter is impossible to continue. This maybe a good time to stop for a while, think twice and gather back some energy to face future problems. Quick and fast is definitely not a good preference for the situation that you are facing.
Overall, #3 Sprouting is a message for difficulties at present, not prefer to taking further steps within short period, think carefully for any future progress and eventually a good picture or result can be expected. Waiting is also important, wait until the best time to move on, cannot be impatient.
易篇。坤卦 Trigram #2 Field
Trigram #2 Field, Kun 坤卦, the center idea of this trigram is about the field, as the name of the trigram. The piece of land that we are living on, the wideness and broadness of it is beyond their knowledge in the ancient times.
The way they see is about a couple of critical points:
– field is broad and with absolute thickness.
– all the needed resources they need to survive are come from the ground, like they can plant crops, herds can live on it etc. As a result, people were grateful to the land that they lived on.
Trigram No.1 Force and No.2 Field are a pair of trigram. Force is absolute yang and Field is absolute yin. While force is about working very very hard and begin active, and field is about begin passive, staying smooth to the flow and gentle. Image of Force is dragon and Field is horse. People think horse is good at listening and carrying out orders, in order to get achievements.
Force is setting up rules, the leader and Field is following the rules, the followers.
In case of fortune telling, and get trigram Kun, Field, this is carrying a message of:
– for people who are humble, gentle and passive way of acting.
– not suitable for people who prefer active, outgoing, aggressive etc.
– staying passive is the critical thinking of this trigram, following the footsteps of the leader in a case.
– it is not good for people who like staying in the front line, being aggressive, since this may lead to misunderstanding the real situation, being mislead. Following is a crucial behavior.
– being long lasting, not changing easily can also help to bring to success and lead you to the right leader.
易篇。九月其卦剝。Monthly trigram # 23 Stripping
Trigram 323 Stripping, variations include “splitting apart”, flaying, scalp and peel. This may allude to removal of something. Its inner trigram is Kun (坤) field, outer trigram is Gen (艮) mountain.
The structure of trigram #23 is five yin lines with one yang lines on the outside. The yin energy has almost reach the maximum and the yang energy is fading away as time passes. This is the yin & yang energy circulation during this Xu month 戌月 ninth month.
易篇。Trigram # 1 乾卦 Force
This is the start of the whole trigram cycle, and the No.1 trigram #Force Qian 乾卦。When we study trigrams/hexagon, the yin & yang energy cycle dominates the changes of the lines. In #1 force, there are six yang lines which means the yang energy is maximized.
In the eyes of the people in the old days, maximum force represents the sky, emperors and heaven. Therefore, six yang lines stands for the sky. In their eyes, they recognized the changes of day and time is an infinite cycle, and it’s working very hard and making an unlimited circulation.
#1 Force also stands for the sun, bright and shining over the entire world. Another message from #1 Force is dragon. It is ancient mythology of China. Dragon is famous for changing status all the time, not easy to see.
#1 Force structure is with 6 yang lines, which means the maximum yang energy. The whole process of the first yang line to the sixth yang line is about a dragon is not ready to fly high until the dragon has already passed the highest point and back to normal status.
易篇。八月其卦觀 You month trigram #20 Viewing
You month, the eighth month of the year, this month is the middle of the autumn season, the metal element strength has escalated to the peak. The monthly trigram is #20 Viewing.
Trigram #20 Viewing with inner trigram Kun 坤 (field) and outer trigram Xun 巽(wind) and it has other variations include “contemplation” and “looking up”.
易篇。#46 地風升 Ascending
Trigram #46 Ascending with inner is Xun 巽 (wind) and outer is Kun 坤 (ground).
#46 Ascending is a trigram with a critical message is the progress from low to high, that is growing. This is a gradual procedure.
In the old days, the Chinese name of trigram #46 升 can be a unit of measurement or the things people in the ancient days used to worship their god. It carries an improving, growing, approaching high meanings.
Growing also includes a situation of getting pieces together and eventually it becomes more.
The structure of Ascending with Xun (wood element) as inner and Kun (earth element) as outer, means wood grows from the ground. The overall picture is the wood, takes a decent amount of time, to achieve a certain amount of growth. This is a smooth and natural process without any obstructing behavior with the usual manner.
易篇。# 48 水風井 Trigram #48 Welling
食者。往也。不食者。來也。食不食。存乎人。所以為井者。存乎己。存乎人者。二。存乎己者。一。故曰往來井井。汔 (注:水涸)。燥也。至井而未及水。曰汔至。得水而來出井。曰未繘井 (注:用繩汲取井水)。井未嘗有得喪。繘井之為功。羸`瓶之為凶。在汲者爾。
Welling ~ inner trigram Xun (Wood) 巽 and outer trigram is Kan (water) 坎
Water well, clear and fresh water comes from the ground, in order to feed humans and animals to support their lives. From the point, we can also interpret #48 is referring to a decent human with good faith and mindset, which can help and benefit his surroundings.
Well can get people together, can feed people and gradually will turn into a village, it also means groups of people or families.
#48 Welling is about a well from dried out to repaired and filled with fresh and clean water and finally can provide precious resources to people. This is the main function of a water well.
On the other hand, since well is non-movable, if one day, water from the well turns bad and non-drinkable, then people will leave it and go somewhere else. Welling is the trigram from #47 Confining. The meaning of Confining, please refer to the last post. As time goes, situation from confining turns into welling, this is a positive progress.
易篇。澤水困 Hexagram #47 Confining
Hexagram #47 is about get trapped, cannot go anyway, get stuck in a bad situation, this is the worst scenario, not until the worst has gone, situation cannot improve.
Inner trigram is Kan 坎 (water) and outer is Dui 兌 (marsh, pond of water). The structure of confining with water inside and marsh outside means water is gone and the marsh is dried out, therefore, this is a terrible situation.
Hexagram #47 confining and #48 welling is a pair of related hexagram. Confining is water is leaving and Welling is water is storing in wooden barrel which means have resources.
From another point of view, confining also delivers a message means a person can show his/her real character when they are at their unfortunate moment in life.
易篇。十二月卦氣圖說 12 Monthly Trigrams
The concept of bagua in related to the changes of season from the 1st yang line in Zi month 子月 until all six yang lines appears in Si month 巳月, and the first yin line appears in Wu month 午月 and finally the six yin lines take place in Hai month 亥月. As time goes, one line changes every month until the energy maximizes. This is the same for both yin and yang energy.
This is the foundation concept of I-ching, the book of changes. Each line changes due to the change of weather and the nature which we can feel.
易篇。七月申。其卦否 Shen month trigram #12 Obstruction
Shen month 申月, the seventh month of the year, from this month onward, five elements entered the metal element season which is autumn. The monthly trigram for this month is trigram #22 Obstruction. It is exactly the opposite of the Yin month 寅月 #11 Trigram Pervading.
Trigram #12 consists variations “standstill (stagnation)” and “selfish persons”. The inner trigram is Kun (earth) 坤卦 and outer is Qian (force) 乾卦.
In this month, yin energy continues growing and yang is still fading out.
易篇:天文 The concept of astronomy in the old days in the language of I-Ching
Astronomy sounds like a modern concept but a few thousand years ago in China, they developed this concept but in a totally different manner as compared today.
In the modern society, astronomy is about is the study of everything in the universe beyond Earth’s atmosphere. In the old days, according to this book in the Sung dynasty, they express their concept of astronomy in terms of I-Ching trigrams.
Li bagua is fire, stands for the Sun. 離卦
Gen bagua is mountain, stands for the earth. 艮卦
When these two baguas combines to make trigram #22 Adorning. 賁卦
The critical concept of astronomy is about yin & yang taking turns as time goes, this makes an infinite cycle.
易篇。六月未。其卦遯 Wei month Trigram #33 Retiring
Last month of summer season, Wei month 未月, yin energy retrieved last month and it takes one further step to make two yin broken lines this month. Wei month trigram is presenting this message. The yin energy is gradually growing which is not going to stop until Hai month 亥子 when it maximises.
Trigram #33 Retiring includes other variations as ‘yielding’, ‘retreat’. In this month, the Yang energy is fading away, as yin is gradually getting stronger and in the I-ching language, the yang is escaping while the yin is dominating and this is a forever cycle.
易篇。五月午。五月其卦姤 Wu month trigram #44 Coupling
Wu month trigram #44 Coupling
Wu month is the second month of summer, the heat has reached to the peak but from the language of i-ching, after the full power of yang energy from last month, the first broken yin line resumes this month in Wu.
Trigram #44 ‘Coupling’ consists meaning of ‘coming to meet’, ‘meeting’. The inner trigram is Xun 巽 (wind on ground) and upper trigram is Qian 乾 (heaven or force).
From ‘Coupling’ structure, we can see that the yang energy of the year has finished, the following months are the escalating of ‘yin’ as the weather proceeds into winter.
易篇。四月巳。卦亁 Si month trigram #1 Force
(說文)巳。巳也。四月陽氣巳出。陰氣巳藏。萬物 易咸文章。故巳為蛇。象形。
This is the fourth month of the year, the first month of summer season. Summer means fire energy, this energy kicks off at Si month 巳月. According to the monthly trigrams, Si month correspondence to trigram #1, Qian 乾卦, Force. It also includes the variations of ‘the creative’, ‘strong action’,’the key, and ‘god’. Qian 乾卦 is one of the eight pure trigrams, since the inner and upper trigram is also Qian 乾卦.
According to books, the ‘yang’ energy in Si month has finally maximized to six lines, which forms the Qian trigram. At this month, crops and plants are all half grown and growing energy are very active and strong. At the same time, the ‘yin’ energy is being stored away and cannot be seen.
易篇。三月辰消息卦。五陽决陰 #43 Chen month Displacement trigram
Trigram for the third month, Chen month is trigram #43 displacement trigram. The trigram itself variations include “resoluteness”, “parting”, and “break-through”. When correspondence to Chen month, it illustrates the ‘yang’ energy takes another step forward from the Mao month, which makes a total of five yang lines and only one last yin broken line left on the very top.
This provides the picture of the Chen month nature, both warmth and growing energy are escalating and almost reach the maximum level. Moreover, from the language of I-ching, energy always kicks off from the very bottom and grows towards to top.
From the trigram arrangement, the yang energy is fighting with the last yin energy, this is the manner of the yin & yang circulation.
易篇。二月卯。大壯利貞 Mao Month trigram #34 Great invigorating
2nd month of the year, the second month of spring, the wood energy has reached the peak, according to 12 months trigram, it is the trigram #34, the great invigorating , in chinese is 大壯 (dà zhuàng).
From last month, the three yang lines escalated to four yang lines this month. The yang energy has taken one step forward out of the six lines. From the i-ching language point of view, the yang energy has exceeded the yin energy, as a result, it is named the power of great (yang, Qian interpretation).
From the trigram layout, Qian 乾 is at the bottom and Zhen 震 is on the top. Top trigram means outside, which means active movement is taking place, and this is just the precise description of the mao month 卯月.
易篇:十二月卦氣圖 Twelve Bagua for twelve months
The bagua s a set of symbols from China intended to illustrate the nature of reality as being composed of mutually opposing forces reinforcing one another.
From Qian 乾 to Bao 剝 trigrams belongs to ‘Yang’ energy.
From Kun to Guai trigrams belongs to ‘Yin’ energy.
This cycle illustrates the circulations of ‘yang’ and ‘yin’ energy in the nature.
1st month Yin Month 寅月 ~ #11 Trigram Pervading
A new year kicked in with three ‘Yang’ lines. The first yang line appears in Zi month 子月 the 11th month of the year. One more yang line appears in the next Chou month 丑月, and until Yin month 寅月, finally a new year kicks start.
#11 Trigram Pervading
Three yang lines from the bottom and three yin lines from the top makes the pervading trigram. It consists of the meaning, yang energy is definitely growing and being very obvious, people starting to feel temperature is escalating, growing energy is picking up speed. That is exactly the whole picture of the spring season.
月令廣義。24卷。明。五月令 Wu month trigram ~ Trigram #44 Coupling
Seasonal trigram for Wu month is trigram #44 Coupling trigram. As we can see, the first line is a broken line means ‘yin’ energy, and the five top lines are complete lines means ‘yang’ energy.
In wu month 午月, the first yin energy appears after si month 巳月 which the ‘yang’ energy is at full power. The coupling trigram shows that the first ‘yin’ energy starts from the very bottom, it grows gradually until hai month 亥月.
Coupling trigram has a meaning of meeting. In I-ching language, one woman meets five men, this is not a faithful act and was totally unacceptable in the old society. As a result, it also stands for, do not marry this type of woman.
In the coupling trigram, the bottom trigram is Xun 巽 which means wind, so during this month, there is wind blowing continuously beside of the summer heat.
周易 Zhouyi
舊說《易經 》
此圖是以《易經· 繫辭》所言天地之數為依據。
1 。 2 。 3 。 4 。 5
6 。 7 。 8 。 9 。 10
水 火 木 金 居中
八宮卦(坤卦) Bagua Eight Trigrams ~ 2nd trigram Kun (坤)
坤為地 Kun represents the ’land‘🌎
Details of Kun 坤:
Characters aspects ~ Female, mother, grandmother, family house and large household
Objects and actions aspects ~ inland, measurements, transports and traffic
In Kun, there are six broken lines, which means the very last ‘yin’ trigram. Yin means sinking, storing, not obvious.
Kun also represents supernatural energy.
震卦。(震為雷)The third bagua ~ Zhen trigram
Zhen trigram belongs to wood element which is the spring season. In spring, all the growing energy resumes and they were being stored in the mother land during the winter season and getting ready for the bursting period which is the spring.
It is just like the spring storm and thunder, waking up all the stored and rested living energy underground to pick up the growing cycle.
In the language of fortune telling, Zhen trigrams means tough period at first and will then become fortunate, and of course in order to get achievements, hard working is a must, there is no free lunch.
八宮卦 ~ 坎卦 Bagua Eight Trigrams ~ 4th Kan 坎卦
Kan bagua, which is the 4th bagua of the eight hexagrams. ‘Kan’ stands for water. In the eyes of people in the ancient Chinese society, water represents danger for them. Apart from city along the coast line, or else, majority of the populations, they cannot swim.
Explanation: in Chinese word, ‘Kan’ word means there is a hole on the ground. The hole means a possible danger and can easily fall inside.
In the old days when people still hunt for animals, they will make use of these holes and put bait inside and attract animals.
If we fortune telling via I-Ching, when ‘Kan’ bagua comes up, this means there maybe unexpected accident happens and we should get well prepared on all possible risk.
We should stay calm in circumstances and bear in mind that, ‘Kan’ means water and this water can be a tool or a problem, it well depends on how we see it.
伏羲小故事:一畫開天 Father of civilization: Fuxi
中國傳說伏羲發明以火烹煮食物,使先民離開茹毛飲血時期。 看見蜘蛛網,便發明了結繩網,可以捕魚和結繩記事。 伏羲又發明八卦,以觀天象而推天下事。
宋。陸游 「讀易」詩:
Fuxi is a main character in Chinese mythology. He is recognized as the father of civilization. He invented how to use fire to cook food, so that people do not need to eat raw food again. He saw spider webs and invented how to knit fish nets, so people can use these nets to catch fish and use the knitting skill to use knots to record things.
He also invented Bagua, the eight hexagrams. The very first hexagram is Qian bagua 乾卦, Qian represents heaven and it has three lines. Therefore, there is a saying that Fuxi use one line to kick off Chinese people’s civilization.
十二消息卦 Twelve correspondence bagua for the twelve months
Bagua originates from ‘Yin’ & ‘Yang’, the obvious sign of yin yang energy flow are the changes of four seasons. From spring to winter until the whole year finishes and then a brand new year will kick start again continuously.
As a result, ancient experts uses 12 different bagua to indicate the changes of yin yang energy as the seasons change. The first bagua of the year is Zi month 子月, the bagua is hexagram #24 the Returning hexagram. As the picture shows, there is a yang line returned at the bottom, which means after all the autumn and winter where yang energy was stored, and gets to Zi month, it finally returns.
As time goes by, one yang line returns month by month until it reaches Si month 巳月, it is #1 hexagram Qian bagua for this month. Qian hexagram is with six yang lines which means at this month, the yang energy has already maximized.
Then the following month is Wu month 午月, is hexagram #44 the Coupling hexagram.
This bagua is just the opposite of the Returning hexagram with one yin line at the bottom, which means at this time of the year, the yin energy is retrieving after the spring and summer where yang energy dominates.
This yin energy returning process will carry on until Hai month 亥月 when it gets to hexagram #8 Kun hexagram.
離卦 ~ ‘Li’ bagua
八宮卦 ~ 離卦(火)
Li is one of the eight pure bagua, it stands for fire energy, the sun and brightness. In direction wise, it situates in the south.
When we refer to the ancient ‘Book of Changes’ 易經, each bagua delivers its unique meaning and explanations. In wording, it carries the meaning of heat, bright and the sun, this stands for auspicious and can scare off all the un-auspicious energy and darkness around.
It mentions the cow. In society back in time, cow is a family friendly animal and an important asset for each family, so it means wealth, therefore, it is good.
Apart from brightness, it can also mean daylight, electric and can see clearly.
On fortune telling aspects, on the people’s interaction level, it is about a bright future, illness can be cure, a matching couple and a positive feedback for the question asked.